About Us
Baobab Life treatments are based on a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. In the 4th Century BC, Hippocrates taught that health solutions should focus on the whole person not just one body part or area of ‘dis-ease’. The holistic approach is not a new phenomenon and is being recognised as an important approach for individuals and organisations to manage the challenges of day-to-day life.
Regular massage therapy helps you remain mentally centred, physically well, emotionally balanced, and more successful in adapting to challenging circumstances. It helps you develop the mental, emotional, and physical strength, to adjust to the external and internal demands of daily life.
Remaining healthy and well in the midst of the challenges and responsibilities of daily life requires intention, encouragement, and perseverance. It requires us to actively take responsibility for our own wellbeing, make positive life style choices, such as regular exercise and healthy eating, whilst maintaining a centred and balanced mind.
Baobab Life was founded with hope for a happier world, believing wholeheartedly that change happens one person at a time, starting with us. Learning and taking inspiration from other individuals and organisations who believe in change and are taking positive action in their own unique way, we can encourage and be encouraged to continue to make positive change.
The Baobab Foundation in South Africa is one such example, working with rural women, creating and promoting a ‘culture of caring’.